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It asked now for a group of human beings to recolonize the Earth.
And when the frogs are wiped out at a site, they can't recolonize it.
Do we recolonize the art by estheticizing it, in Western terms?
The forest was trying to recolonize the track by means of runners from both edges.
Species are slowly recolonizing, but still not reached pre-hypoxic levels.
Beavers are then likely to recolonize the area, and the cycle begins again.
In particular, the species occurs as forest is recolonizing areas that were once savannah.
It will be like recolonizing the present one.
Only those species which were able to recolonize the island after the glaciers retreated about 18,000 years ago are considered "native".
Of course, there was the problem of the Hatire who had been recolonizing the planet.
The remaining clumps will quickly recolonize the bed.
I'll see what kind of readings I can get while I'm there and think about whether it's too risky to consider recolonizing.
Then the Other Side will recolonize the world with new plants and animals - and understanding.
Many animal species have been found to naturally recolonize areas where habitat has been restored.
This leads to larger post-fire populations of the fish that are able to recolonize these improved areas.
Ravens are recolonizing the hills, reclaiming their historic range.
The British invasion, Part 2, that was supposed to recolonize rock a few years ago never quite made it over the barricades.
Fur seals began to recolonize the Farallon Islands in 1996.
Constantly optimistic, Forthright proposed the evacuation plans, then to clean up and recolonize the planet.
Beginning in 1985, gray wolves were recolonizing areas in the Bow Valley.
The player must help recolonize the human race after the Earth's habitability is critically reduced by an ecological catastrophe.
When paulownias prevent native plants from recolonizing these places, they reduce the diversity on which ecosystems depend.
It is so named as it is one of the first plants to recolonize a burned-out area.
"They think that by changing the Government they can recolonize Eritrea.
Alternatively some wide-ranging species may have been opportunists that were quick to recolonize the area after each burial event.
They log smaller areas so that species can recolonise from outside.
By the end of the 1930s, however, the economic elite had begun to recolonise the political institutions created in the Depression.
It can recolonise disturbed areas, and may grow in thickets.
He also believed that the warrant is an attempt "by (the west) to recolonise their former colonies."
The otter, after a period of decline, is starting to recolonise the rivers and streams.
Around 5.5 million years ago, the Atlantic flooded the basin, allowing marine life to recolonise the new sea.
Plants are allowed to naturally recolonise the clearer waterways.
Organisms that dislike this disturbance are replaced by others better able to rapidly recolonise "clean" sediment.
Other woods, especially those which are important as nature-conservation sites, are simply being left alone so that the woodland plants, insects and birds can recolonise naturally.
Trees began to recolonise what is now the British Isles over a land bridge which is now beneath the English Channel.
As for us, we denounce and oppose such intentions and policies, by which the EU seeks to recolonise the ACP countries economically.
After the eradication of rats the snipe began to recolonise the rest of the group, with a small breeding population discovered in 2005 on southern Campbell Island opposite Jacquemart.
While the Irish Wildlife Trust had argued in the past for the reintroduction of this woodpecker, the birds themselves began to recolonise Ireland of their own accord since about 2007.
Thus two main factors affect the likelihood of long-term survival: patch areas (affecting population size and therefore extinction probability), and distance between patches (influencing how easy it is to recolonise a patch).
It is thought that this 'rafting' with Durvillaea antarctica and other floating seaweeds allowed a wide range of species to recolonise sub-Antarctic shores scoured clean by ice during the last Ice Age.
Saint Paul's seabirds nested mainly on La Roche Quille until rat eradication allowed some species, notably Macgillivray's Prions (a subspecies of Salvin's Prion) and Great-winged Petrels, to recolonise the main island.
This plant proliferates in disturbed areas and can recolonise cleared sites and can pop up occasionally in undisturbed gardens, the species will spread if fire is withdrawn from an ecosystem used to being burnt at the expense of fire dependent species.
Outside Andalucia it can be found in the Montes de Toledo and the mountains all the way up the Spanish Mediterranean with populations as far north as southern Catalonia, which gives hope that one day it might recolonise the Pyrenees.
The Punic explorer and suffete of Carthage called Hanno the Navigator led an expedition to recolonise the Atlantic coast of Morocco that may have ventured as far down the coast of Africa as Senegal and perhaps even beyond.
This slow lifestyle could make the seadragons vulnerable to sudden changes according to Dr Martin-Smith: "New seadragons only rarely appeared during the study and this may mean it will take them a long time to recolonise an area if they are killed or the habitat is lost."
To recolonise this landscape between 1400-1500 AD the final Frankish Dukes of Athens and then the Ottoman rulers invited large numbers of new settlers, from Albania, with the specific direction to locate new villages near abandoned ones from the previous settlement system.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds conservation officer for Lothian and Borders, Peter Gordon, said: 'The wanton killing of this beautiful bird is sickening in itself and also a setback to the peregrine's attempts to recolonise this part of Scotland.'
Reliable drought refuges are characterised by the ability to retain sufficient water throughout the drought, having water quality good enough to maintain the life of the ecosystem, that are not subject to physical disturbance, and that have access to surrounding habitat so that refugees can recolonise the main habitat when the drought ends.