At a recent screening in New York, the impact of the film was so great that as the credits rolled, there was a long period of silence.
Sure enough, a woman wearing a red-and-white Coke pantsuit, with a matching purse, is among the viewers at a recent screening of the film.
A recent screening of that movie, organized by New Line to generate word-of-mouth, suggested that it was poised to become a hit.
At a recent screening in New York, Mr. Condon admitted that his first draft left him terrified.
As we sat around after a recent screening of the movie in Washington, there was a lot of venting.
At a recent screening of "The Loss of Sexual Innocence," the one word bandied about the film afterward was "pretentious."
Tame by Western standards, the bedroom shots of backs and intertwined hands shocked the audience during one recent screening, with one woman yelling, "Shame!"
I said: 'Has Chiang had recent screenings?'
The comment brought down the house at a recent screening.
A recent screening of 7550 Briton's found 87 undetected ATA+.