After conquering her stage fright at a recent gig, Kari prepares to endure another show that Tracy has booked for her.
And this week his band includes the young harmonica player Gregoire Maret, who has been thrilling in a number of recent gigs around town.
Both songs were included for their playlist on recent gigs.
In the meantime work continues on a new John Young Band album and is likely to include several tracks first played during recent gigs, including "Different".
His teams are notoriously slow starters and - aside from his recent gig with the Pistons - Brown has always taken over reclamation projects.
This resulted in the infamous instrument swapping fiasco which confused the audience at recent gigs.
The band's most recent gig was on 14 December 2002 at the Queen Margaret Union in Glasgow.
Ms. Hill recalled the audience's reaction during a recent gig at the Apollo Theater in Harlem.
A brief video BB King & friends from his recent gig in London 2011...
From his recent gig at the Cobden Club, London.