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He would fight a rearguard action while they got a bit of a head start.
He will leave a small rearguard to hold the passes.
They took most of them off, but the rearguard and the wounded were left behind.
Such men found themselves, however, fighting what became all too clearly a rearguard action.
There is still a rearguard of men who are opposed to this.
He looked over at the corporal who had come in from the rearguard only minutes ago.
The party passed on, with more small brown men trailing behind, in rearguard.
It looks as if we may have a rearguard action to add to our troubles.
Then he looked down at the rearguard who'd stayed behind forever.
If the rearguard arrived in time he might even live to enjoy the feeling.
Simon shot as the rearguard drew level with his position.
They were soon followed by the French, firing on the rearguard.
However, Hannibal had made sure not to order his rearguard through.
The 5th company protected the rest of the column as the rearguard.
Late in the day, the rearguard arrived with the artillery.
This particular score led a rearguard action that almost brought victory.
But I want to be the rearguard and trail along behind them, just in case."
Units on foot should have a point man some way ahead of the main body, and, if possible, a rearguard as well.
The rearguards are joining the attack and contributing in many other ways.
If that was true, he and his small company could use it as a rearguard without having to worry about missiles from above.
The rearguard must be anchored where you want to go."
The man with the gun backed after the others, acting as rearguard.
"Hold him on one side till the rearguard comes along," answered the voice.
There was a rearguard action to the north of Penrith.
The rearguard managed to rise to the occasion and drive them away.