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Razoo may be a corruption of a sou, the smallest French coin.
I ask for no charity, not a brass razoo, only for a test.'
It is commonly used in the expression I haven't got a brass razoo, meaning the speaker is out of money.
Whilst mock coins of 1 Razoo are popular (see photograph), no actual monetary unit has ever been so named.
After what they done to us, to me two precious ones, they ain't entitled to a brass razoo!'
'We are penniless, my dear, stony broke and without a brass razoo!'
Not a brass razoo!'
Razoo may refer to:
In one fictional dialogue, the razoo has been described as "an Indian coin, famous for being the most worthless coin ever issued."
The senior and junior jazz bands, Brass Razoo and Bamboozle are made up of musicians from Years 7 to 12.
The Foundation is listed with Razoo and has received the GuideStar Exchange Seal.
On the social networking side, that which relates to social enterprise, Razoo, TakingitGlobal, Ned and WiserEarth are emerging.
In 2007, Brass Razoo competed in the Aurora Festival in Christchurch, New Zealand, and were the only competitors to win a Gold Award.
There are also leadership opportunities in the music department, as ensemble leaders for Brass Razoo, Wind Orchestra, String Orchestra, Senior Choir, Chapel Choir and Britten Choir.
Brass razoo is an Australian phrase that was first recorded in soldiers' slang in World War I. It is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as "a non-existent coin of trivial value".
As The Washington Post reported in December 2007, a Washington, D.C. firm established to facilitate social networking for philanthropy has taken its name from the New Zealand meaning of razoo for a small coin.