Solis said he was small, well under five feet, eighty-eight pounds tops, wore T-shirts, jeans, tennis shoes with holes in them, sometimes an old ratty sweater.
Today he was dressed in a ratty green sweater, gray old-man pants, and a tweed jacket, all of which looked like they'd been salvaged from a clothing donation bin.
Fat, thin, young, or old women, Peter wore his ratty blue sweater and slouched around campus all day, flirting with every girl student.
If anyone in this center of industry noticed Harry, they saw a pale, unusually round-eyed Japanese schoolboy with a typically shaved head, ratty sweater, knickers and clogs.
Buck marched in and grabbed the boy by the arm, his ratty, gray sweater bunching under Buck's fingers.
I shove the sleeves of my ratty sweater up to the elbows and rest one forearm across the counter.
He still had on the ratty sweater, and the rear window was open but a trace.
Snider took a ratty sweater, to fight the winter, from the back of his cracked leather chair, sat down and surveyed the desk.
"And do you really need to keep that ratty old sweater you got from your first boyfriend?"
When organizing closets, Ms. Rothschild said, the thing to do after getting rid of that ratty old sweater is to use every inch.