He promoted sectional reconciliation and the region's place in a rapidly industrializing nation.
Indeed, the world's environmental future will be determined in large part by what happens in the rapidly industrializing countries of Asia.
Both white and black rural migrants were moving into rapidly industrializing cities of the South.
The same arguments can be extended to all rapidly industrializing countries including India.
The city rapidly industrialized in the late 19th century, when it became a manufacturing center.
As the country was rapidly industrialized in the mid-1800's, he thought parks were an essential psychological retreat for city dwellers.
The country shifted from a rice-based agricultural society to a rapidly industrializing one.
Rapidly industrialize all of China through manufacturing, commerce, and capitalism.
Prussia not only expanded its territory but began to industrialize rapidly, while maintaining a strong agricultural base.
At the same time, the North was rapidly industrializing.