It is used for rapid screening and follow up of diseases involving deficits such as scotomas, loss of peripheral vision and more subtle vision loss.
The proposals would set up rapid screening for new arrivals, as Hong Kong did last June, to determine whether they qualify legally as refugees and thus are eligible for resettlement.
Dr. Cohen said yesterday that the laboratory tests on the chicken by federal scientists had been more thorough than those at Cornell, which he described as "rapid screening."
A Computational Shortcut Dr. Cohen said one of the main tools in his recent work was a computational shortcut that permits rapid screening of theoretical crystal models.
The cells are then cultured for mass production of the protein, which can then be exposed to various treatment candidates and evaluated with "rapid screening" technologies.
The Afghan police transferred the men to the central police station jail, where they will conduct a rapid screening before releasing the men later in the week, Deputy Interior Minister Hilaluddin Hilal said today.
In any case, a possibility for rapid screening must be introduced.
Nevertheless, it is often used if a rapid screening of numbers is needed, for instance in the key generation phase of the RSA public key cryptographic algorithm.
This method is much less traumatic, requires no anesthesia or surgery, and promotes rapid screening of large quantities of mice.
Besides, it allows rapid screening of large numbers of drugs.