The wage and benefit package is identical in dollar value to the one union negotiators rejected in August and refused to put before the rank-and-file membership, a company spokesman said.
After discussion, this proposal was accepted, with Quorum member J.C. Robbins giving notice that he would appeal the decision to the rank-and-file membership via a state referendum.
In addition to the rank-and-file membership and the Mayor's office, approval by the Board of Education is required for the contract.
In particular, it has objectified the rank-and-file membership, marketed the movement as a product, and created a perception of grievances for which it offers a panacea.
The regime particularly favored the Czechoslovak-Soviet Friendship League, though its rank-and-file membership declined as a result of a surge of anti-Soviet sentiment after the 1968 invasion.
At a raucous, often acrimonious, meeting, the union's delegate assembly, with representatives from every school in the city, voted 701 to 420 to recommend the pact to the rank-and-file membership.
These conversions are generally initiated by a credit union's leadership team, rather than from the rank-and-file membership, and have created sharp controversy within the credit union industry.
It is also one that some officials contend will be among the least palatable aspects of the agreement among the union's rank-and-file membership.
Nelson Mandela's visit to Tanzania will bring him face to face with the rank-and-file membership of the African National Congress.