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The Railsplitter.
Earlier this month, Christie's (www.christies.com) auctioned an 1843 daguerrotype of a man who may or may not be the Railsplitter himself.
In 2007, the museum acquired the Norman Rockwell painting Lincoln the Railsplitter for $1.6 million.
That honor went to Norman Marbury, the Railsplitter's junior captain who scored 22 points, 11 in each half.
Cigarette shipments could drop 10 per cent a year before threatening debt payments for Railsplitter, according to Mr Sinsheimer.
We're ready to get out of here fast,' said Dave Spitaleri, owner of the Railsplitter Inn in this community of 500.
The Railsplitter received merit recognition from the National Scholastic Press Association, Columbia School of Journalism.
The exhibit, "A. Lincoln: From Railsplitter to Rushmore," features 250 pieces on loan from 30 Lincoln collectors.
Log Cabin / Railsplitter District (serving Montgomery and the western 3/4 of Christian County & the northern half of Macoupin County)
Mr Sinsheimer said the Railsplitter bonds were more conservative than other bonds backed by tobacco settlement pay-outs, securitising less than 50 per cent of the anticipated settlement cash.
Just looking at the effect of Logan Countys Railsplitter Wind Farm, Borgia highlighted the other benefits of bringing in wind construction outside of just producing natural energy.
It might behoove the government to consider spending $5 billion or $6 billion less on foreign wars and invest that money on helping out people here instead,' said Dave Spitaleri, owner of the Railsplitter Inn in Hull, Illinois, along the Mississippi River.
Founded in 1971 as Railsplitter State Park, it was renamed in 1995 in honor of Edward R. Madigan, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the town of Lincoln and a U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.
Lincoln, a longshot candidate for U.S. Senate, debated Stephen A. Douglas on the edge of the rolling northwestern Illinois hills 150 years ago this month, halting the Little Giant's march to the White House and opening its door for the Railsplitter from Springfield.
Fifty years later, Mr. Tott was reading The Railsplitter, the 84th Infantry's newsletter, in his fading recliner in his small ranch home here, when he came upon a letter from Benjamin Sieradzki, a retired engineer in Berkeley, Calif., wondering about the young, tall, blond soldier with the camera.
I think thats a bit discourteous, calling you a rail-splitter.
At such times, Lincoln did seem to Washburne like a rail-splitter.
That's what an old rail-splitter might say.
It reveals a shrewd courtroom advocate nothing like the rustic rail-splitter of Lincoln mythology.
And after all, wasn't the legendary Rail-Splitter in fact a rather well-to-do lawyer by the time he ran for President?
You mean Honest Abe the Rail-Splitter is a fraud?
The striving rail-splitter from Illinois and the simple carpenter from Nazareth resembled them, the people.
Lincoln, by contrast, disparaged as a "rail-splitter" and a self-taught hick, was the original rags-to-riches story.
Lil extracted herself from the Rail-Splitter's mechanical guts and made a comical moue of worry.
Lincoln metamorphosed into "the Rail-Splitter," whose rise from obscurity seemed to personify the American dream.
The Illinois rail-splitter had splurged: The watch, Thomas said, would be the equivalent to a timepiece costing "$5,000 or more" today.
In Chicago on Nov. 25, the Rail-Splitter began his transformation into Father Abraham.
The railroad was more than incidental to the Rail-Splitter; he had represented railroads throughout the 1850s, and admired their efficiency, speed and connectivity.
The first of these was part of Lincoln's own electoral mythology: the rail-splitter, studying by firelight, pressing ever forward with Midwestern grit.
Those who saw the Illinois rail-splitter as the essential common man were outraged by the memorial's Greek Revival architecture and godlike massiveness.
Honest Abe Lincoln, the rough-hewn small-town lawyer and onetime rail-splitter plucked from prairie obscurity to lead the nation at a crucial moment.
I always get worried when someone uses one of those foreign words, as though simple old English, as spoken by a simple old rail-splitter, was not good enough.
He has frequently been spotted reading about Lincoln and he's fond of quoting the rail-splitter in his speeches, most notably during the recent Democratic National Convention.
Not until 2 a.m. did official results from New York arrive, and the expected close contest in the make-or-break state never appeared: the one-time rail-splitter won by 50,000 votes.
Suddenly, Mary heard the sound of a loud high voice singing nearby: Old Abe Lincoln, a rail-splitter was he, and thats the way hell split the Confederac-ceee!
Soon enough, the powerfully built former rail-splitter is swinging his custom-built silver-bladed ax like there was no tomorrow — which for the vampires who get in his way happens to be the truth.
Would we vote for the rail-splitter today without having assured ourselves that his teeth were properly capped, the contacts in place, the dye job on his hair at least better than Hubert Humphrey's?
In this city of Lincoln, images of the stovepipe hat seem as commonplace as fireflies in July (there are barber shops and chiropractic offices named for the rail-splitter turned President).
Today, the only house the Illinois Rail-Splitter ever owned - he lived there from 1844 to 1861 - sits in the middle of a four-block historic neighborhood run by the National Park Service.
The top player here, however, was not only flamboyant, he was a huge rail-splitter type at least six and a half feet tall, dressed in a tuxedo and a fancy shirt with small diamond studs.
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