Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
I went to the factory myself, to get quick service.
I was the first in and I got quick service.
Others may simply go as private patients taking advantage of lower prices and quicker service.
"The idea was for an information center with quick service for people on the go."
Customers will get quicker service if they know the issue and date an image appeared, she said.
He ordered coffee with the authority of a man long accustomed to quick service.
Like many very rich women, she tended to be impatient and to demand quick service.
Quick Services has acquired a new computer which is classified as an asset within the business.
Pierce raced to a 5-0 lead in the first 19 minutes with two quick service breaks.
But the fresh food and quick service make this family-run place a good option.
But the quick service sector is a mature business.
Q. Have healthier menu choices helped the quick service companies?
The Night Limited was introduced in 1924 to provide a quicker service.
Most of the time, they offer longer opening hours and quicker service than banks, but worse exchange rates.
There is also a food court and numerous quick service food vendors.
But there is still service, quick service at that.
We really apreciate the quick service and quality of the room.
Your name attached to a message, Admiral, is a guarantee of remarkably quick service.
Quick service, a Western notion that has been slow to catch on in many local restaurants, is a staple here.
In the quick services restaurant sector, 21.2 percent of franchises were owned by minorities.
The quick service was quite fantastic and even chairs were provided tor customers.
The chain started operations in early 2004 with a single 'Quick service restaurant'.
We are the only independent in Plymouth and pride ourselves on good, quick service, with a friendly experience.
And you don't have to rap a kopeck on the bar for quick service.
"And because we give them repeat business, we can sometimes use that as leverage to get quicker service."