About three quarters of the building had been destroyed, but one wing was being gradually restored by people who could afford it.
In a few hours, 700 families were made homeless and three quarters of the town was destroyed.
More than a quarter of the country's primary schools were destroyed in the war, and many teachers have been killed.
That was clever, suggesting her quarters had been destroyed.
More than a quarter of the swarm had been destroyed in those three explosions.
A full quarter of the enemy's remaining ships had been destroyed in the first few minutes.
The smugglers are victorious, although more than a quarter of their fleet is destroyed.
These living quarters were again destroyed by fire on April 20, 1925.
Three quarters of the town was destroyed, 11 people died and about 700 families were made homeless.
In 1748, a quarter of the city was again destroyed by fire, this time accidentally.