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She is followed by Hera, entering the battle in a quadriga.
Boyd, however, needed four weeks of training to feel comfortable (but not expert) at driving the quadriga.
Quadriga is used internationally by broadcasting companies, archives and music enterprises.
A runner going to participate in the Olympic games had a dream, that he was driving a quadriga.
The biga and quadriga are the most common types.
The quadriga traditionally represented the sun, as the biga did the moon.
On top of the gate is the Quadriga.
In front of this window are the four bronze horses taken from the Constantinople quadriga (p. 90).
The word quadriga may refer to the chariot alone, the four horses without it, or the combination.
They didn't run the chariots in winter, or he'd have had a problem handling a quadriga in the turns.
The quadriga was adopted in ancient Roman chariot racing.
Originally the mausoleum was a decorated cylinder, with a garden top and golden quadriga.
He had placed on the site a bronze quadriga dedicated to the god, a war trophy from the Fidenates.
Outside the cavern, top left, is Sol the sun, with his flaming crown, often driving a quadriga.
The quadriga arrangement is an ancient style of statue originating more than 2000 years ago in the Roman republic.
Even the op-eds about the Bric quadriga skip over Russia's name.
The quadriga horse-fish is a representation of Happiness.
The second depicts a quadriga, with six-spoked wheels, and a driver standing up in a large chariot box.
The pediment displayed a relief featuring Augustus and was topped by a quadriga.
As a result of protests by Quadriga board members and former recipients, the 2011 awards and ceremonies were cancelled.
The statuary group is in an arrangement known as a quadriga, consisting of a chariot pulled by four horses.
At the top was a giant quadriga, Naval Victory, with four seahorses drawing a ship.
In the iconography of religion and cosmology, the biga represents the moon, as the quadriga does the sun.
His most notable production was the colossal group of a quadriga and lions on the triumphal arch (1847).
The quadriga was created by Martin von Wagner.