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First: the secret operations of ancient Jewish Kahal must be understood.
The irate merchants refused to deal with the Kahal which was responsible for delivering the money to the government.
Most of his life story is known through the documents related to his complicated feud with the local kahal.
Once the resettlement began, thousands of Jews lost their only source of income and turned to Kahal for support.
Loans from the latter were usually for an unlimited period and were secured by mortgages on the real estate of the kahal.
The kahal even had sufficient authority that it could arrange for individuals to be expelled from synagogues, excommunicating them.
No doubt such a herculean task involved the exchange of many letters and several personal conversations through the channels of the international Kahal.
The song was part of the "additional material" provided for the musical by songwriters other than Kahal and Fain.
Also known as Kahal Talmud Torah, it was only used for prayer on festivals.
Later, Fain worked extensively in collaboration with Irving Kahal.
Now instead of having a single organization concentrated in one place, the Kahal had expanded, into small units, scattered over all parts of the civilized world.
Each community had its representative, its Rabbi, its synagogue: it was a miniature Kahal.
Qareh Kahal is a village in the Ardabil Province of Iran.
But far from destroying the Kahal, the scattering of the race only intensified its activity and increased its power by broadening its scope.
Kahal Chand had built a fort, which was named after him, and was called Kahlur fort.
The Kahal, the autonomous rabbinical administration of communal affairs, more and more assumed the character of an inner dictatorship.
Kahal, Frank Ejara and Discípulos do Ritmo also attend the event.
After Kahal Chand had built Kahlur Fort the state was named after it.
The third building in the complex is the Kahal, an administrative building of the Wlodawa Jewish community, built in 1927 or 28.
Kahal Kadosh Beth Shalom was the sixth congregation in the United States.
Gilbert, Dennis, and Joseph A. Kahal.
The individuality of the Lithuanian Jew was lost in the kahal, whose advantages were thus largely counterbalanced by the suppression of personal liberty.
The first Jewish congregation in Richmond was Kahal Kadosh Beth Shalom.
The ladies of Kahal Kadosh Beth Shalome met daily to make clothing for Confederate soldiers.
They prospered in the sugar industry and built their temple, Kahal Kadosh Nidhe Israel, in the early 1650's.
Qahal occurs 123 times in all periods of biblical Hebrew.
A year later the Jewish Qahal was founded.
Hottenbach and Stipshausen together formed a qahal.
They used their power to suppress protests and intimidate potential informers who sought to expose the arbitrariness of the qahal to the Russian government.
Their communities (Qahal autonomous congregations) conducted extensive credit operations, servicing the Polish middle and upper social strata.
The Talmud interprets the exclusion of certain people from the qahal as a prohibition against ordinary Jews marrying such people.
In later centuries, Qahal was the name of the autonomous governments of Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.
The Deuteronomic Code prohibits certain members of the 'edah from taking part in the qahal of Yahweh.
Over time the Jewish quarter was virtually governed by its own municipal form of Jewish self-government called kehilla, a foundation of the local qahal.
Ekklesia is the Jewish Greek translation of the Hebrew term qahal used to designate the assembly of Israel in the desert.
The Synagogue was founded in 1643 by the Kazimierz Jewish district's kehilla (a municipal form of self-government), as a foundation of the local qahal.
Qahal, a theocratic organisational structure in ancient Israelite society, and a quasi-governmental authority in Jewish communities of the Middle Ages.
Scholars conclude that the qahal must be a judicial body composed of representatives of the 'edah; in some biblical passages, 'edah is more accurately translated as swarm.
The Jewish Qahal petitioned the Kazimierz town council for the right to build its own interior walls, cutting across the western end of the older defensive walls in 1553.
The Sephardi Bet Yaʿaqov Synagogue was built in the early 1900s then renamed "Qahal Qadosh de Ariba" (congregation on the mountaintop).
His children and property were seized by the qahal, and he had to apply to king Sigismund III for assistance in restitution of his children and property.
Unlike the general population that had to provide recruits between the ages of 18 and 35, Jews had to provide recruits between the ages of 12 and 25, at the qahal's discretion.
The autonomous Jewish government in the Middle Ages was known as the Qahal (more often spelled Kahal), a form of government which many Jews saw as exemplifying Jewish principles.
It is useful to note, while the Hebrew may be specific in its distinction between qahal and 'edah, the word qahal is often rendered by both synagogue and ekklesia.
Jewish communities in Russia were governed internally by local, dominantly theocratic administrative bodies, called the Councils of Elders (Qahal, Kehilla), constituted in every town or hamlet possessing a Jewish population.
Borovoy demonstrated that Jewish society in Poland became polarized due to a large stratum of destitute Jews that were marginalized by the Qahal, and these Jews were likely to lapse and seek their fortunes with the Cossacks.
His son, Zygmunt II August (1548-1572), mainly followed the tolerant policy of his father and also granted autonomy to the Jews in the matter of communal administration, laying the foundation for the power of the Qahal, or autonomous Jewish community.
In 1772, when the first secret circles of Hasidim appeared in Lithuania, the rabbinic qahal ("council") of Vilna, with the approval of Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon, arrested the local leaders of the sect, and excommunicated its adherents.
On 18 October 1818, the "New Temple Association" inaugurated its synagogue, Qahal Bayit Chadash ("Congregation New House"), better known by its German name, Neuer Israelitischer Tempel, the New Israelite Temple.
In response to these issues, Derzhavin proposed a series of reforms to substantially restrict the freedoms of the magnates, abolish the Jewish Qahal, end the autonomy of the Russian Jewish community, and resettle Russian Jews in colonies along the Black Sea.
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