It has helped put human rights, including women's rights, on the diplomatic agenda.
In the past two or three years, we've put more civil rights and freedom movement songs into our concerts.
We've opened a space, an opportunity for people who want to put human rights at the center and have no political agenda.
"It put women's health and rights at the center of the agenda, recognizing that in so doing, demographic ends would also be served."
I think that humans are more important than profit and I want to put human rights at the top of the political agenda.
In its place, Carter promoted a foreign policy that put human rights at the forefront.
It's never been proper to put civil rights on the ballot.
And he set us on a new track as far as putting human rights violations in a political context was concerned.
Also, most amendments put democracy, human rights and solidarity above economic and military advantage.
Between them, these groups have different ideas on how to tackle climate change, but all put human rights at the heart of them.