Trying to strike a balance, the Administration is pursuing gradual measures.
And, a knowledge of diseases and illnesses that "run" in families can give individuals an important head start in pursuing effective preventive measures.
Some commentators argue that the authorities will need a strong base to pursue unpopular economic measures.
The idea expressed by the term causes many cultures to pursue protective measures against it.
President Reagan and Congressional leaders reached a basic agreement today to pursue measures designed to reduce the Federal budget deficit by at least $23 billion.
We will continue to pursue additional protective measures for as long as it takes to ensure the safety and security of our citizens.
"The railroad will aggressively pursue disciplinary measures against those engineers who were out and not sick," he said.
Regulatory officials, in order to combat the dangers associated with foodborne viruses, are pursuing various possible measures.
Failure to pursue eco-efficient measures has often been attributed to low levels of awareness and lack of resources.
We need to vigorously pursue measures that are above the absolutely necessary from a legislative point of view.