It was sauced with a savage appetite purchased by hard riding the day before, and refreshing sleep in a pure atmosphere.
To act with entire honesty and self-respect, one should always live in a pure atmosphere, and the atmosphere of politics is impure.
The atmosphere rare and pure, danger near and the spirit full of a joyful wickedness: thus are things well matched.
This will guarantee a pure moral atmosphere in society, the intensive work of creative thought and the genuine flourishing of culture.
Perhaps the most successful evocations of pure atmosphere here are in Ms. Parish's paintings.
Here the pure, dry atmosphere whitens everything rapidly, both linen and souls.
The word had fallen like a bombshell in the pure and tranquil atmosphere of the Archer dining-room.
The sweet, pure atmosphere of The Lindens would never be the same again.
Another observer of this time praised Woodside's "pure atmosphere and delightful scenery."
Just for the pure delirious atmosphere.