Whatever ... the point is that Greenpeace is trying to help many Indonesians who are against having their forest cut down - it's not some pure neocolonialist adventure.
One critic observed of Holmstrom, "he delivers music with technical savvy and traditional stylings, without sacrificing originality and pure adventure".
That would be pure adventure.
Some were illustrations for a traditional African story, some were factual, some descriptive, religious, decorative, some picture stories, some comic, some pure adventure.
Sometimes her job is pure adventure, like the time she was summoned to the large Indonesian island of Sumatra.
As Sanders says, it is a mixture of pure adventure, of morality and of tragedy, with Gilgamesh the first tragic hero of whom anything is known.
Their fantasy, however, is also radically different from Barrie's, which sprang from a vision of life, while Barry and Pearson are writing pure adventure - not that there's anything wrong with that.
The lure for most of these folks is pure adventure.