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The challenge is to influence purchasing policy to achieve better public health.
We talked to them face-to-face to explain our new purchasing policy.
"The ultimate goal of a purchasing policy is to control costs.
Will he consider bringing the regulator's review of purchasing policy forward from 1993?
Corporate purchasing policies provide an example of how organizations attempt to avoid negative effects.
"We also undertook a formal annual review of our purchasing policy.
We also have a paper purchasing policy that sets annual targets for improvement, which are signed off by the board.
Your equipment purchasing policy could include the following points:
"When we started our supplier review, the company didn't have an official purchasing policy.
It revised its paper purchasing policy this year, committing the company to:
This meant that museums not only became progressively poorer, but also less in control of their purchasing policies.
A thorough review and cost analysis led to a new purchasing policy and significant savings.
"Communicate your purchasing policy to staff and make sure it's adhered to - but listen to their feedback too."
Parliament's 2005 budget earmarked appropriations for the implementation of the equipment purchasing policy.
Life insurers became concerned about individuals purchasing policies purely for speculative purposes.
Visitors to the library are encouraged to give to the donations box at the entrance to allow the book purchasing policy to be kept up.
In the longer term, purchasing policies can help to improve energy efficiency in electrical equipment.
We're working on a new production model for the whole factory - new stock control, new purchasing policy.
Around this time, many of the life settlement providers that are prominent today began purchasing policies for their investment portfolio using institutional capital.
Only staff in each office is allowed to purchase to eliminate unnecessary purchases and ensure all waste reduction purchasing policies are followed.
They also had to submit a local employment strategy, local purchasing policy and a forest and ecology management plan.
Doctors trained in epidemiology, statistics, and the social and management sciences are needed to help manage the implementation of purchasing policy.
But owners can now save $100 a year by purchasing policies that let them sue for damages only if they suffer substantial injury.
European defence procurement refers to the collective armaments purchasing policies of European nations.
A major challenge will be the rationalisation of purchasing policies through agreements of collaboration between member institutions that now have access to each other's holdings.