According to 1, genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes are subject to universal jurisdiction, thus German courts can punish offenses committed by foreign citizens abroad.
The French Parliament unanimously passed one of the toughest laws in Europe to punish racist, anti-Semitic or xenophobic offenses.
His government has proposed a new security bill that punishes terrorism and other vague offenses with the death penalty.
Those leaders who believe in controlling the economy have long argued for measures to punish economic offenses like hoarding and profiteering.
The Government of Côte d'Ivoire's legal statutes do not prohibit all forms of trafficking and there is no specific law punishing such offenses.
Hague took steps to curb the police department's lackadaisical work ethic, punishing offenses that had gone unpunished for years.
One is Article 227, which is used to punish religious offenses such as conducting unauthorized services, spreading religious teaching or books and similar infamies.
It was both his duty to punish offenses and stop them from being committed.
And the Army's figures show that it is not punishing serious offenses as it once did.
United States v. Wheeler, 435 U.S. 313 (1978): Indian Tribes have inherent powers to punish offenses against Tribal laws when committed by Tribal members.