This was the Western Pumping Station, completed by 1875, and the final part of the main drainage system for London.
Nearby is Pinchbeck Marsh Pumping Station, which houses the last beam engine and scoop wheel to be used in the Fens for land drainage.
St. Michael's Church and the Pumping Station were both gutted in the fire, but their exteriors survived, and the buildings were rebuilt using the surviving walls.
The Pumping Station is normally open Daily from 11am - 4:30pm.
West of B1066 is Mile Farm (now Long's Farm) with the Pumping Station farthest west.
The colliery eventually had four shafts (No.3 used as a Pumping Station from 1970 to 1988).
The restored Mill Meece Pumping Station is to the north of Eccleshall.
The related High Pumping Station was listed in 1983.
The first season in 2009 consisted of 6 cars, all backed by other Pumping Station: One members.
The Pumping Station One facilities are divided up based on their function and include: