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They are primarily used to treat asthma and other pulmonary disorders.
James Ivory reported that her death was caused by complications from a pulmonary disorder.
When Denman resumed training last summer, a pulmonary disorder was discovered.
She strained for air with the rounded chest of those suffering chronic pulmonary disorders.
He died during one of these trips of an unspecified pulmonary disorder.
Chronic cardiac and pulmonary disorders are by far the most important risk factors for influenza-related death.
John Townsend has suffered severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder for five years.
Elderly people are also more likely to have a preexisting condition, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.
In addition to these diseases, obese patients suffer an increased incidence of cancer, pulmonary disorders and arthritis.
He died on 20 March 2003 following a pulmonary disorder and multi-organ failure in a Kolkata hospital.
Ms. Hirsch has a rare form of emphysema and a chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.
Certain cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders related to dextrocardia can be life-threatening if left unchecked (see reference).
Finally, pulmonary disorders represent the third most common work-related health problem: 7.6% of cases (10.0% of the non-active population).
Respiratory Respiratos is for those suffering from pulmonary disorders and for those on oxygen.
Adult hospitalization for chronic pulmonary disorders and hypertension are elevated as a result of county-level coal production.
Soon after his call to the bar, Tull became ill with a pulmonary disorder and travelled to Europe in search of a cure.
In 1995, the McClearys supported the purchase of a video bronchoscope used to assess cancer and pulmonary disorders.
Denman has in the meantime discovered a first adversary to merit long-term anxiety, in the form of a pulmonary disorder.
Asthma and other pulmonary disorders linked to pollution contribute significantly to these costs, according to the health economist Ken Thorpe.
Boys and girls, some with pulmonary disorders, lived in this stark environment set in beautiful wooded countryside on a hill overlooking Coventry.
J. Richard Steffy died from chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder on November 29, 2007.
Pulmonary disorders: qi 氣 (life-breath) back flow in the chest, coughing.
Adults and children who suffer from cardiac or pulmonary disorders (e.g. asthma, cystic fibrosis) may see their chronic condition worsen.
Elaine Kaufman died from chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and pulmonary hypertension on December 3, 2010, aged 81.
Pulmonary talcosis, less specifically referred to as talcosis, is a pulmonary disorder caused by talc.