One prominent European scientist publicly indicated both his Catholicism and his disagreement with church teaching.
But the Chinese side, while publicly indicating continued support for a deal, privately frets that restoring momentum will be tricky.
A. I think it is naive to think the economy will slow down enough for the Fed to indicate publicly that they are done.
However, on July 2, 2008, he publicly indicated that he wanted to play again as the starting quarterback.
For the first time, he publicly indicated that a withdrawal would not depend on the composition of any future Afghan government.
Fraschilla has not publicly indicated that he's leaving Manhattan, or even that he's looking to leave.
Still, none of them publicly indicated any desire to see such a resolution now, because it would bring the war option that much closer.
Though they are attacked by the advertisement, the three Senators have not publicly indicated how they will vote on the Thomas nomination.
Quickly Robinton agreed; as a harper, he certainly shouldn't publicly indicate a marked preference, yet.
But several weeks later Johnson indicated publicly that he would like to continue managing the Mets beyond next season.