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The question of public service obligations is mentioned several times in the report.
In each case, specific provisions have been devoted to public service obligations.
The routes have since 1997 been subsidized through public service obligations.
The nature of the industry's public service obligations has been the focus of debate in Washington for the last two years.
As it goes yes there will be economic pain, increased taxes, a dent in our public service obligations.
This means that appropriate public service obligations may be needed and imposed in the environment of these new technologies.
The idea of the levy to finance public service obligations is acceptable under current conditions.
Under Federal law, cable operators have no clear public service obligations, the way broadcasters do.
Of course, the texts do include the public service obligations but they do not go far enough.
Due to deregulations since the early 1990s some lines are run as public service obligations by private contractors.
I am not thinking just in terms of the need to sustain public service obligations in this context.
The contractors have specific public service obligations, most notably, a requirement for 20% news and current affairs.
The corollary to this rule is that public service obligations should take priority over Community competition rules.
Finally, there is also protection for Member States who set particular store by the ability to impose public service obligations on the companies.
With state-financed operations the service was made subject to public service obligations.
In addition, an brings public service obligations, which means addressing issues for the more vulnerable people in society.
Flights to Mehman have been subject to public service obligations since 1 April 1997.
Channel 4 has raised concerns over how it might finance its public service obligations after digital switch-over.
Channel 4 was established with, and continues to hold, a remit of public service obligations which it must fulfil.
The Commission's established policy is not to restrict the financing of companies in charge of public service obligations.
It will be difficult to attempt to harmonise all public service obligations at EU level.
The absence of references to the necessary public service obligations assigned to port authorities is regrettable.
It is true we might ask whether market liberalism is justified from the point of view of public service obligations.
I would also point out, however, that the opening up of the markets will be regulated to ensure that public service obligations are fulfilled.
It was also suggested that there is a necessity to consult widely on the definition of the public service obligations, particularly where this concerns users.