The pope received the sacrament for the sick and dying on Thursday.
On his death, Suibhne received the sacrament and died in reconciliation.
According to church law, those who play a material role in an abortion should not receive the sacrament of holy communion.
The cardinal received the sacrament of the sick last Saturday and on several other occasions during his illness.
Soon, the army outside his tent would kneel to receive the sacrament, himself beside them.
Believing that he was about to die, Elwes received last sacraments.
As such, she does not receive the sacrament of Holy Orders.
A new illness or a worsening of health enables a person to receive the sacrament a further time.
Tom assumed the expression of a choirboy about to receive the sacrament.
On 16 June 1881, he received the sacrament of confirmation at Eu.