This is a state where the arms industry provides a large number of jobs.
But with the arms industry you are talking about very powerful people - both inside and outside the country.
Isn't that the Germans doing the same thing we (and everybody else with an arms industry) do?
In the final scene, we learn that Ray has left the arms industry to become a missionary.
He was instructed to reform the arms industry while in this post.
Sounds to me like someone in the arms industry has got a gun to this government's head.
But it is not clear whether the arms industry will be swayed.
Even if it does, a restructuring of the arms industry is clearly under way.
Now there is also a desire to add to this structure a common policy on the arms industry.
"The arms industry must remain under the close surveillance of the Government."
You have done an excellent job building up the armaments industry.
The armaments industry began to break down by autumn 1944.
Behind the army stands the strongest armament industry of the world.
In this capacity, he worked to create an armaments industry almost from scratch.
That's why you've always insisted on building our armaments industry in Alexandria.
The report' s only flaw is its call for an alliance between science and the armaments industry.
On top of that, it had no indigenous armaments industry or the technology and factories to build new ones.
It is used, I think, in the armament industry.
The armaments industry, agriculture and mines were the three branches concerned.
At the same time, developing countries virtually doubled the size of their own armaments industries, he said.