The system might need new energy transfer to be stationary.
The other form of energy transfer between closed systems is as heat.
The surface area is the medium for the sensible energy transfer.
A definition would be the energy transfer due to a force.
When you lift something, an object, what is the energy transfer?
There is thus no energy transfer between an isolated system and its surroundings.
No contact or medium between the two bodies is needed for the energy transfer.
Not much energy transfer to the ocean or the sea bottom.
But first we'll study them, and get the secret of energy transfer anyway.
Some systems can be excited by energy transfer from the environment.
Increased boot stiffness generally translates into more precise energy transmission from the skier to the ski.
The other 27% of the world's energy is lost in energy transmission and generation.
There are wide variations in energy transmission, as though it is drawing from other sour-ces.
No, Arden, when you're set up for sheer energy transmission, it's strictly no dice.
After chewing on schemes for acquisition, energy transmission, and effects for a few days, we put them together in various ways.
This observation led to certain conclusions about the electrical properties of the Earth, and which made the basis for his idea for wireless energy transmission.
Factors favoring alternating current for energy transmission and distribution were:
It is not a hearing test, but rather a measure of energy transmission through the middle ear.
However, the price paid for the deactivation is a powerful energy transmission alerting the Covenant to the location of Earth.
One of our technical crews has detected jump-space energy transmissions in the planetary crust.