During the reign of emperor Tiberius, sumptuary laws were passed that forbade men from wearing silk garments, but these proved ineffectual.
In the preamble, the Edict frankly reported that previous measures against heresy in the kingdom had proved ineffectual.
But the group has proved ineffectual because its powers are limited and some members, notably Russia, oppose strong pressure against Serbia.
Gaddafi rapidly complied, and the OAU troops; but these proved ineffectual.
From its inability to travel, the herd, after all efforts to carry it off had proved ineffectual, had been abandoned by its captors.
A less drastic remedy would prove ineffectual or horribly intrusive.
These governments have proved highly ineffectual in running the country, and by the late 1990s there was growing discontent with the entire democratic process.
Tony David proved ineffectual in civilian life, unable to find a suitable job, and ran up debts.
Against this technology, human weaponry proves ineffectual as demonstrated when Nyah comes away unscathed by shots from a gun.
Parliament also passed several laws aimed at combatting corruption, including the Corrupt Practices Act 1854, though these measures proved largely ineffectual.