The weather had for some time been very thick, with much rain; but this day proved so favourable, that not a cloud intervened during the whole transit.
Many royalists even believed that a change would prove favourable to the King.
After a reverse Austria made promises, and after an advantage she evaded them; but finally, fortune proved favourable to France.
The character and his romance with Donna proved highly favourable for fans, with his absurd storylines also being remembered as iconic.
Trials of ezetimibe in combination with simvastatin have proven more favourable than those for ezetimibe alone, however.
'Professor,' said he, 'I was thinking to have a go at your rose-bed first thing, an immediate sojourn to my own might prove favourable.'
Low private demand for building land and low building costs proved favourable for the city administration's extensive public housing planning.
Its proportional electoral system proved favourable to minor parties and they have usually held the balance of power.
TV critics have proved almost entirely favourable to the character, even when commenting on the unrealistic quality of many of his storylines.
The extension of suffrage proved especially favourable for the religious parties.