James W. Symington, a former Congressman and protocol chief who practices law here, said discretion is important in discussing such matters.
Still, for some anxious protocol chief "Les Misérables" must have offered a rare example of cross-Channel bonding.
By many accounts, Mr. Ensenat never wanted to be protocol chief.
The club is owned by Eddie Dunn, protocol chief to Dr Sawyer's interim government.
Falada's protocol chief, Lieutenant Ferdinand, had some queries about the setup of the formal meeting room for the next day, which Delvecchio handled.
"You'll find sunglasses are pretty necessary items here, Captain," the protocol chief said.
The old protocol chief was in New Athens when the balloon went up, unfortunately.
He admitted he had not known that Barnes had received permission from the MCC and the royal family's protocol chief to take the photos.
And my protocol chief should have been told immediately about that death.
"They can go to hell," said Khaled Elyazji, Arafat's former protocol chief, who is now running a center in Gaza for political change.