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Thus God, as portrayed in the show, does not call for proselytisation.
At the time, proselytisation was banned in Vietnam.
In the 16th century, the proselytisation of Asia was linked to the Portuguese colonial policy.
There are conflicting reports on whether this newspaper was used by Mögling as a tool for proselytisation or not.
To prevent proselytisation, safeguards to prevent any change in the religion of a child committed.
The death penalty is prescribed for conversion from Yahwism and for proselytisation.
Its main political effect was to continue to gain power in the national primary schools where religious proselytisation in education was a major element.
The report writes that especially Roman Catholic missions used money-lending as a device for proselytisation.
However, there was little proselytisation among the missionaries at first, although many of them decided to settle in Tibet and marry Tibetan women.
Though cultural relations are no longer strong, Christianity in Indonesia was a result of proselytisation by mainly Dutch missionaries.
Refugee children naturally gravitated towards people showing them kindness, and were thus susceptible to proselytisation by their Gentile hosts.
Spending a bunch of money not on the poor, but on self proselytisation, with an added sprinkling of brow-beating women over abortion.
As a result of this acceptance of alternate religious practices, the phenomenon of proselytisation is largely absent in these religions but not unknown.
After four decades of prosperous trading, the missionaries started the proselytisation around 1540 and during this period, foreign missionaries also made many new converts to Christianity.
During the mid-19th century, Christian missionaries indulged in open proselytisation in public institutions in the Madras Presidency.
Papar is an important hub for the proselytisation of Islam on the west coast of Sabah, owing to its large Muslim community.
Minh Mạng pursued a sceptical policy to Christian missionaries, often trying to inhibit their activities by administrative means, and later by explicitly banning proselytisation.
Spaniards pursued their with proselytisation activity with dedicated single minded devotion throughout the 18th century with the "goal of saving the souls of their subjects."
After Vasco da Gama arrived in India in 1498, the trade became prosperous, but the Portuguese were not interested in proselytisation.
The proselytisation however was met by strong resistance by the local population, delaying large-scale evangelising by the Europeans to the 19th-century when Senegal became a French colony.
During the 19th century, the British rulers of India were actively endorsing the activities of Christian missionaries and enacting laws to empower them and favour proselytisation.
By 1100 AD, after more than 100 years of wars and proselytisation, the complete area of contemporary Germany had come under the influence of the German Empire.
His activities regarding the proselytisation of the pagans and the foundation of a church union with the Russian principalities brought him into conflict with the Teutonic Order.
In 1901 he secured land for the Pallottine Fathers to build a mission in Jaunde, thus opening East and South Kamerun to Catholic proselytisation.
For example, it is a criminal offence to possess a Christian Bible written in the Arabic language, part of a wider law prohibiting proselytisation of Muslims to any other belief.
It was the usual method of proselytization in those days.
Usually, those books are open to all and are a means of proselytization.
This edition was to be utilized for proselytization among Jews.
It'll build to full-scale proselytization if I don't stop it now.
The result was that we have received no further complaints about such religious proselytization in our schools."
Basically, there are two possible forms of proselytization of a society.
Ubiquitous throughout Christianity is the practice of proselytization, making new disciples.
They identified that the greatest danger came from the proselytization of the Buddhist children through education.
"In what way does merely having you in this place constitute proselytization?"
It runs a number of charities and welfare projects, in addition to its Islamic proselytization activities.
In response to his proselytization, the vodun leaders made their own point about some members of the church that seemed to reflect strains.
The Portuguese however were not interested in proselytization.
During this time period, modern medicine was largely regarded for its potential for Christian proselytization.
But it said that one problem, "the proselytization of non-Christian cadets," continued to be investigated.
In the 16th century the proselytization of Asia was linked to the Portuguese colonial policy.
They later expelled six foreign citizens, who were deported on grounds of allegedly having broken the law against religious proselytization.
In Saúl's view, academia is a means of aggressive Western proselytization.
The proselytization of Basilan started in earnest, however, when Fr.
The state exercised substantial control over clerical appointments, religious instruction, preaching, and proselytization.
Christian missionaries work among all the peoples of the world, but the proselytization of Jews is perhaps the most controversial.
However, souperism was rarely that simple, and not all non-Catholics made being subject to proselytization a condition of food aid.
Consequently he was permitted to stay, on the condition that he not engage in any proselytization of the native people.
They may not use direct government funds to support inherently religious activities such as prayer, worship, religious instruction, or proselytization.
At the same time, triumphalism also provides impetus to proselytization, conquest and the general expansion of a group or doctrine.
Some exclusivist faiths incorporate a specific element of proselytization.