Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The limbs are too short to have provided much propulsive power.
"What do you think the material is, some sort of propulsive fuel?"
If the female does not run away, she gives a propulsive display first.
This was especially apparent in the propulsive first and third movements.
"Or at least propulsive units as we think of them.
But they have certainly added more horsepower to an already propulsive engine.
This is called the "propulsive power of the jet engine".
The action takes place on the floor in "Up(2)," but the bodies are full of propulsive energy.
It wasn't using the propulsive power of its rockets, at all.
"Propulsive power doubled," another called, as he finished his work.
So let's find out the propulsive power of a jet engine from its thrust.
We are prepared to go propulsive at any time.
Make sure your propulsive efforts keep you moving in a horizontal vector.
The propulsive power of a jet engine increases with its speed.
Whiplash is the word to describe the propulsive power on display.
For all the languor, there's a propulsive thrust at work.
Other than pushing a bicycle, any propulsive action brought on by use of the hands is prohibited.
Its propulsive power is limited by the user's respiratory muscles.
And that's in just the first 35 pages of this propulsive, nonstop biography.
The one that left Minnesota yesterday rose into the air with no sign of using any propulsive units.
The driving rhythms of the first movement were organic, never merely propulsive.
The propulsive force vector is more than 76% of the total value.
Creating propulsive force requires the use of muscular strength, which uses far more energy.
The research program for this vessel was designed to test efficiency of thrust with the propulsive system.
But Evans's list is a propulsive piece of modern writing.