There, the proprietors serve a hearty meal in a single nightly seating for about three dozen guests.
At the time, the license didn't allow children in the tavern and said a proprietor could only serve beer or cider.
The proprietor took over, and was still serving the portions when one of the waitresses came in and whispered something to Delaney.
A hard-faced proprietor served his special customers, while three crooks growled their approval of the route that Clicker had purchased for this getaway.
When the proprietor served it, Rod broached the confidential question: "Where will I find the police chief here in Irondale?"
The proprietor of the public house then serves the bailiff and his guards with drinks including the traditional Rowell Fair rum and milk.
All the waiters are away at war, and the proprietor, 32-year-old Zdenko Zubac, who inherited the place from his father, serves the food himself.
The proprietor served him obsequiously but did not venture to talk.
The proprietor served him in person, and he soon learned that Miss Louden was unwell.
Neither the proprietor of Swains Island nor any employee of his may serve as government representative.