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"We now have proprietary products coming up, and the resources to develop them."
Just to have a feeling where open source is compared to the "great" proprietary products.
Such companies also have a competitive edge, like a proprietary product or service.
This is a manufacturing process, and of course a proprietary product.
A. Our whole strategy has been to reposition the company heavily to proprietary products.
There are proprietary products as well as open source approaches available.
There is no proprietary product that is more attractive to me.
At every level there was an additional benefit from selling this proprietary product."
With aggressive funding in research and development, their proprietary products are used by many computer manufacturers worldwide.
A number of open source and proprietary products derive from OpenOffice.org.
His company became a manufacturer of proprietary products, usually farming out the assembly to associate companies.
The products are mainly used as building blocks for proprietary products.
Parallel distribution appears to be a good method of introducing competition in the market for proprietary products.
To find growth companies, he says he looks for businesses with dominant market positions and proprietary products or services.
No country which does not have proprietary products can sell to the United States of America or other countries.
Proprietary product sampling was introduced in 1992 through their network of private daycare centers.
In fact, I don't know if you even read this letter, since he clearly acknowledges that Apple itself has proprietary products.
Development of proprietary products to measure and monitor the quality of telecommunication services.
They believe there is no incentive to push proprietary products, and the client gets the best of what they offer.
"With Athena, they acquire revenues, a sales force and an interesting pipeline of proprietary products."
Moreover, Merck, another of the fund's top 10 holdings, has "great management and proprietary products," he said.
This should not be confused with Clivus multrum which is a proprietary product.
That's why we have no proprietary products.
In choosing stocks, the managers look for growth at a reasonable price, using fundamental research to find niche companies with proprietary products and services.
Merging companies tend to be competitors who often have to spend more time combining their proprietary product lines than planning further innovations.