The proportion of traffic borne by motorways is a significant safety factor.
Because of its strong presence on the West Coast, it has lost a higher proportion of transcontinental traffic from corporate customers like Cisco Systems and Hewlett-Packard.
Since BitTorrent makes up a large proportion of total traffic, some ISPs have chosen to throttle (slow down) BitTorrent transfers.
It refers a significant proportion of traffic to the BBC News and BBC Sport products - 44% and 35% to each respectively during July this year.
Results from the beta test site indicate that the majority of BBC websites have received a greater proportion of traffic from the new homepage.
In transportation engineering, the K-factor is defined as the proportion of annual average daily traffic occurring in an hour.
This publication presents estimates of the proportion of traffic and number of vehicles that evaded vehicle excise duty (VED/road tax) in 2011 in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
"With the increasing popularity of streamed video and other traffic, P2P file-sharing, as a proportion of total traffic, has been diminishing," the missive explains.
Hence, trucks make up a significant proportion of traffic using the road.
City officials are most interested in converting government and private fleets - taxicabs, delivery vans, buses and garbage trucks - because they represent a high proportion of daytime traffic.