Now the proportion is down to less than a quarter, and falling.
That proportion was reduced to 7 percent in 2005, and should fall even further as the state pushes on with its plan.
The proportion of the world's population under arms fell to 4.8 per 1,000 from 5.7 over the same period.
Today the proportion has fallen to barely half, and in some places it is much lower.
The proportion of Americans with jobs, 62.6 percent, fell to its lowest level since 1994.
Until the 1980's, the proportion rarely fell below 7 percent.
Since 1970, the proportion of "traditional" families has fallen by 35 percent.
Yet the proportion of students in private schools has been falling nationwide.
In 1986, the most recent year for which figures are available, the proportion fell to 14.4 percent.
The proportion declining to make a choice fell to 26 percent.