He said that although he had arranged the surgeries, it had not been his responsibility to ensure that the patients gave proper consent.
In 2010, local archaeologists objected to Monmouthshire County Council because a trench had been dug along the site without proper consent.
Oh, as for that, with the proper consent and safe-conducts, there is no difficulty.
"Taping anyone's private conversations without proper consent is illegal," he said.
"We would immediately dismiss an employee who was found to be switching customers to our network without proper consent," Mr. Houser said.
If a villager migrate without proper consent of the chief, his property and belonging are detained by the Chief.
The human studies carried out in Holmesburg failed to follow Dow's original protocol and lacked proper informed consent by the participants.
In a separate action, the commission passed rules intended to prevent long-distance companies from switching customers to their services without obtaining proper consent.
Of course, to impose a medical procedure on someone without proper consent would be an act of violence.