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What greater proof of love had any man ever offered a woman?
Indeed, this was the only proof of love which had power to touch her.
She wants proof of love: Give and you should receive.
By so doing You will give strong proofs of love for your country.
For God she loves suffering as a proof of love.
And he loves as a man, requiring proof of love in return.
All these proofs of love which you would give me are almost crimes.
Joyce Brothers once said that the best proof of love is trust.
If being given a gold blessing is a proof of love, what does it mean when you fail to receive?
It was really a proof of love for the cinema, very beautiful!”
He read it over, crossed out sacrifice, and pencilled in proof of love.
Since his own father had been cruel, Grego would believe only cruelty as a proof of love and strength.
"Our culture virtually demands jealousy as proof of love, so some relearning is usually needed," she said.
Vaillant is right: fidelity is not proof of love.
Dana once said that the real proof of love was the sharing of a single toothbrush by lovers.
Couples take the opportunity of Valentine's feast day to exchange sweet words and gifts as proof of love.
Jealousy is not proof of love, it is a sign of insecurity and possessiveness.
Offered up as proof of love, the bloody wound celebrates as well as defiles the body.
Fatherhood and motherhood are themselves a particular proof of love; they make it possible to discover love's extension and original depth.
Only proofs of love.
A proof of love.
I have found a fair Reality ... a living proof of Love's divine omnipotence!
Bishop: May God strengthen your faith with proofs of love, so that you may persevere in good works.
Peter, by telling you even that mucN I've put my sanitymy lifein your hands3 Proof of love?