Lots of money, including some from I.B.M. and Sun Microsystems, has been invested in promoting Linux.
It is meant to promote Linux as a viable alternative to proprietary-based software for use in government departments, state governments and corporations.
Initially founded in 2000 to facilitate dialogue between companies and organizations with a vested interest in promoting Linux, OSDL employs several developers, including Linus Torvalds.
He added that "the things that Microsoft does well are things we need to do well - to promote, protect and standardize Linux."
I.B.M. has aggressively promoted Linux, a variant of the Unix operating system that is distributed free.
Mr. Torvalds, who now lives in Silicon Valley, is employed by the Open Source Development Labs, a consortium that promotes Linux.
RLUG is an unofficial organization that promotes Linux, Unix-like operating systems as well as free and open source software in Romania.
Chitnis has worked extensively to promote Linux and Free and Open Source Software.
Videos parodying the Get a Mac campaign have been published online by Novell, to promote Linux, represented by a young and fashionable woman.
Microsoft rivals like I.B.M. and Oracle are promoting Linux.