The project would be implemented through public-private partnership on a design, build, finance, operate and transfer basis.
By the early 90's Lloyd had begun a new project, The Lovefield, financing the recordings by working in Film and Television.
Different international grants and many projects, financed by state budget, witness about the active scientific life at this Faculty.
The project will finance the improvement of urban sewerage services and drinking water supply services.
This project will finance priority investments in transmission and support a program for reducing losses.
The project was authorized but not financed in the $203 billion Federal transportation financing system signed by President Clinton in May.
The project will finance the extension and improvement of water distribution systems including metering, sanitary sewers, and a wastewater treatment plant (in Sari).
However, they can be helpful in attracting other sources of finance once the project has been approved and will finance supporting infrastructure.
Mr. Basinski started the project, a shoestring operation, three years ago, financed initially with $15,000 from Yale shortly after he graduated from law school in 2001.
At this point, the Italians convinced themselves that the project was good, and financed it.