In twenty years time he will provide one of Bendix Schere's most profitable drugs.
Ending the prohibition, on what could be one the most profitable, easily taxable and safest drugs: Marijuana.
Drug companies promote newer, more profitable drugs like Depakote.
While they struggle with new technologies, the companies are facing a steady stream of patent expirations on their most profitable drugs.
If profitable drugs result, Costa Rica will share in the proceeds.
The company is scrambling to cut costs and to replace its most profitable drugs, whose patents have expired.
The multinational drug companies are often exploiting that knowledge in their constant search for new and more profitable drugs.
It is for them the companies invent a stream of high-priced, highly profitable drugs.
In some cases, several companies pursue the same substance, so what looks like a profitable drug could turn out to be a low-priced commodity.
But analysts agreed that the company would fight hard to protect cyclosporine, its most profitable drug.