Responding to new government regulations and environmental concerns, the company focused on product stewardship and introduced ChemCare , a waste management service.
Murray also introduced the first comprehensive framework strategy for total product stewardship for recycling of all products in British Columbia.
Environmentally sound technologies can also be used to drive reduced impacts and enhance value along a supply chain and support businesses embracing product stewardship.
This approach is supported by product stewardship and the increasing use of material flow analysis at all levels, especially individual countries and the global economy.
The movement, known as product stewardship, places shared responsibility for recycling products on manufacturers, government, retailers and consumers.
It is part of ICI's solve-care product stewardship which ensures start-to-finish total care for customers.
The demand-side approach ethical consumerism, supported by consumer education and information about environmental impacts, may approach some of the same outcomes as product stewardship.
This is called product stewardship.
The Act has provision for product stewardship of which container-deposit legislation is the most familiar type.
The key criteria of this charter include improved product stewardship, greater transparency for stakeholders, and the assessment and publication of environmental performance.