The powder is then mixed with various other substances to produce different shades of blue and purple.
It can be combined with tartrazine (E102) to produce various shades of green.
It produces infinite shades of emphasis between black and white.
Additive mixing of red and green light, produce shades of yellow or orange.
Aluminum mordants give a red color, while iron and chromium produce duskier shades.
But wherever it is practiced, amalgamation among different races produces shades of population, the social position of which can never be regular and settled.
He became a first-rate printer, producing velvety shades of gray and black.
This process can sometimes weaken the pile fibres, but it produces extremely attractive shades of muted red and rose.
Colors can be mixed together to produce different shades of nail polish.
Both woad and indigo have been used since ancient times in combination with yellow dyes to produce shades of green.