He thought there were at least ten men showing white for every one proclaiming allegiance to the Queen.
He had already spent 23 years in jail since the 1950's for openly proclaiming his allegiance to the Vatican.
Perhaps he should proclaim allegiance to Berkthgar and reject his father.
More recent public opinion polls put the party in first place, with as many as 22 to 25 percent of voters proclaiming allegiance.
Have you seen him who proclaims allegiance to the Divine System, but denies it in action?
To them, it would be like someone in a Christian church standing before the altar and proclaiming his allegiance to the Devil.
He also met and proclaimed allegiance to Bin Ladin at this time.
Most of the worshipers, though not all, were Kerry supporters, and some wore buttons proclaiming their allegiance.
While the teen-agers' walls proclaim allegiance to rock groups and ecological causes, their hearts hold secrets.
However, Jiménez was soon jailed and local authorities proclaimed allegiance to the Crown.