Accordingly, it prescribed a complex electoral procedure for that body, beginning with the local labor and political organizations.
Funds went, in large part, to support literacy projects, election monitoring, training for civil society, and the improvement of electoral procedures.
Two Acts passed in the run-up to the election made changes to electoral procedure.
The program emphasizes hands-on participation so that students can directly experience the electoral and legislative procedures of American government.
At the same time, we also note that international monitors identified significant problems with electoral procedures.
A new 2,250-seat congress is to be in place by the end of May, with electoral procedures already guaranteeing party control.
Responsibilities include running electoral procedures and chairing the election committee.
It - the report - includes recommendations on improving electoral procedures and the holding of elections.
We do indeed need to have common principles in the electoral procedure for elections to this House.
Such a system could only serve to further confuse the electoral procedure.