Authorities continue to rely on victims coming forward or being identified by foreign embassies, and do not proactively identify trafficking cases among vulnerable groups.
Most officials did not proactively identify victims, and agencies have no formal mechanism for referring victims to service providers.
Proactively identify and repair software vulnerabilities reported by security researchers or vendors.
Macau authorities proactively identified two of the six victims.
The government should further improve efforts to proactively identify trafficking victims among individuals deported for immigration violations, including women in prostitution.
Government authorities do not proactively identify and rescue bonded labourers, so few victims receive this assistance.
There is no formal system for proactively identifying trafficking victims among vulnerable populations such as prostituted women or criminal detainees.
The government's efforts to proactively identify male trafficking victims and victims of labor trafficking were inadequate.
This problem can partially be bypassed by proactively identifying as exceptions such server farms.
According to the federal police, authorities proactively identified 38 percent of all victims registered by the government in 2008.