The article failed to mention that Edward Land, the lawyer who is seeking to have Judge Levine removed from the bench, has also represented several pro-abortion groups in various lawsuits.
The new law is a major victory for pro-abortion groups in the longrunning and highly emotional fight.
He added, "This is in response to an orchestrated campaign by pro-abortion groups across the country to use government agencies to coerce health care providers to participate in abortions."
The directive is carefully drafted to provide maximum assistance to pro-abortion groups challenging these laws.
When pressed for figures, several pro-abortion groups came up with 500 a year, but later investigations revealed that in New Jersey alone 1,500 partial-birth abortions are performed each year.
"The selling of space for a pro-abortion group is not acceptable at a public Catholic institution," a Georgetown spokesman, Gary Krull, said in an interview.
Vicki Saporta, executive director of the National Abortion Federation, a pro-abortion group, said: "There has truly been an evolution of violence.
"One year ago, pro-abortion groups and commentators were predicting that any candidate who suggested that unborn children be protected would be defeated," she said.
Pennsylvania used to allow funding for abortions where the pregnancy was due to rape or incest, and pro-abortion groups made it an open invitation to assert that you'd been raped if you wanted an abortion.
However, neither anti- nor pro-abortion groups chose to focus on the use of the procedure in the second trimester.