But this all happened in the private marketplace.
Bush administration officials and other Republican administrations have long been philosophically opposed to meddling in the private marketplace.
There is no set limit on how long a man can stay, though the goal is to move them into jobs in the private marketplace.
"It's like setting up a private little marketplace that no one can play in," he said in an interview today.
"These firms will still require capital, and the only place they have to turn to is the private marketplace."
But others say Medicare needs to move cautiously, given the difficulties of shifting an older, medically vulnerable population into the private marketplace.
Consequently, interest persisted in creating public health insurance for those left out of the private marketplace.
"There's an opportunity for women to show their stuff and I think that alone will have an enormous effect on the private marketplace."
But Congress has been reluctant to interfere in the private marketplace.
I want to rely on a reformed private marketplace.