Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
They were thinking of the private dicks who had come with the bankers.
By then, the private dicks had arrived in their cab.
"We've got to watch until all the private dicks have left.
The two private dicks were holding a consultation near the corner.
Might be more of these damned private dicks waiting below in the lobby.
We get so few private dicks in our house."
They recognized Smarley, too, and gave the private dicks a nod.
Your man, Drake, may be on the square, but the boys he hires are just like any other private dicks.
It was actually like putting money from one pocket into another, though the private dicks didn't know it.
Tell them you're private dicks looking for a dame that was mixed in some New York murder.
The private dicks did not go after information with the efficiency used by The Shadow's agents.
The Shadow was gone before the private dicks left Purnell's office.
Cleaning women and private dicks can't afford to be too picky about their clientele.
The private dicks were yanking their guns and shouting.
The private dicks in the Lincoln were forced to make an eleven-point turn across the road, then peeled out trying to catch up with her.
Some kind of cheap private dicks, or amateurs.
Melbrun has some private dicks on the job.
"I love private dicks that play murders close to the vest," Cronjager snarled.
My men figure them for private dicks."
He felt that he'd trained the private dicks sufficiently; they were ready to stay on a trail through inference, if properly encouraged.
The private dicks were at the rear door and were dashing through, in pursuit of Smarley.
Before the private dicks knew what had happened, a pair of brawny cops had pounced upon them.
Those private dicks were the giveaway!
Dad had hired private dicks to kidnap Andrew back and then showered him with material possessions to demonstrate his superior love.
"Most private dicks are, right?"