The larger rivers serve as the main source of water for cultivation and as the principal arteries of commercial transportation.
On the ground, the contras forced the closing of the strategic Rama road, the principal east-west artery, for two days until its reopening today.
Today, it is the largest principal artery for the transportation of Russian (and Kazakh) oil across Europe.
Commerce between Colombia and Ecuador has made this bridge the principal artery for the transport of goods between the countries.
Sections of Interstate 10, the principal artery through the city, had pieces missing or misaligned, as if the highway were an unfinished jigsaw puzzle.
With that designation came its acknowledgment as one of the nation's principal east-west arteries.
The Interstate has consumed this dry and wind-blown city, becoming its principal commercial artery.
Godthaab Parish takes its name from Godthaabsvej, the principal artery of the area.
This principal artery was usually more traveled than the secondary streets but still not that busy tonight.
An automatic pump kept the patient's blood circulating while the new heart was hooked up to all the principal arteries and veins.